Demeter's Destiny, 1 gal

SRP $69.49

Product Details

Many production problems originate with too much nitrogen and potassium and not enough available calcium and phosphate. Calcium is the "queen-king" of all nutrients, aiding enzymatic action, feeding soil microbes, improving nutrient availability and cell wall integrity, encouraging solid stem growth (vs. hollow in a calcium-deficient situation) and preventing stem breakage. Calcium promotes smooth, sweet, aromatic produce, and generally leads to healthier, more vigorous growth.


Attribute name Attribute value
Barcodes 812863010344 (UPC-A)
Dimensions 15.8L x 7.5W x 10.0H (CS)
4.0L x 7.3W x 10.4H (EA)
Shipping Weight 10.6 lbs.