CO₂ Flow Rate Calculator

Use the calculator below to determine the optimum CO₂ flow rate for your room.

The calculator makes the following assumptions.

  • Optimum enriched CO₂ level is 1500 ppm (adjustable)
  • Existing CO₂ level is 300 ppm (adjustable)
  • CO₂ level in a sealed room returns to normal in 180 minutes, due to leakage and plant usage
Room DimensionsResults
Length: ft.

Size of room: 512 cubic feet

Amount of CO₂ needed: 0.6 cubic feet

Flow Meter: 0.8 cubic feet per hour

For "15 On/45 Off", the timer should be set to turn on for 45 minutes when the lights first turn on to raise CO2 levels.

Width: ft.
Height: ft.
CO₂ Level
Desired CO₂ Level: ppm
Existing CO₂ Level: ppm
Time Duration
On Time: